Tuesday, April 3, 2018

FIlming Pt. 1 (Analysis)

        As you guys know, we finished the filming of the track part of our film, but I never actually explained the details of each shot in our scene.

        All of these shots were filmed at West Broward High School's track. The first shot that we ended up filming was the establishing shot of the whole track scene with the protagonist running on the track. We filmed this shot from the top of the bleachers, which were next to the track. We then made two shots showing the athlete running "towards" the camera, "past" the camera and "away" from the camera. We did this by first making a shot of the athlete running towards the camera, then starting another shot with him running away from it. The next shot involved a side angle of the athlete as he was running, which we made by having Hayden jog next to Vicente and record him from the side as this happened. We then made a point-of-view shot of the athlete, with Hayden having the camera put slightly above Vicente as he jogged. This was a little harder than we imagined at first, but we ended up getting it done.

        The most difficult shot for us to film was the close shot of the athlete running, showing his face. We needed to be in front of Vicente while he was jogging, which meant that we had to have the camera ahead of him at the same speed. I initially thought of an idea where Hayden or I would run beside Vicente and put the camera in front of him, but that didn't work too well. We ended up going to backpedaling in front of Vicente while he was jogging, which ended up working pretty well. One issue that may or may not be is the shakiness that was sort of encountered in that shot. It wasn't the best, but it was the best we could do with a shot like that.

        Our last two shots of the scene were of the athlete getting injured while jogging in a long shot, and medium shot showing the athlete injured on the ground after. We changed the last shot a little, though. We ended up showing the athlete lying on the ground injured, instead showing him sitting and holding his leg.

        That's all for now! Will get back to you guys soon.

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